ArticleGwent Basics

Beginners’ slang

Auto-include: Card with great power-level. A must-have for your deck.

Bleeding: Trying to get out your opponent’s good cards before they’d want to use it. If you won r1, you can go bleeding them in r2, if you want a short r3.

Blue coin: You go first.

BM: Bad manners, unsportsmanlike behavior, using taunts in inappropriate times, or roping excessively.

Buff: Strengthening a card, by changing it. Opposite of Nerf.

Baiting: Trying to get out your opponent’s high value cards before they could get better value from them.

Bo3-Bo5: Used in tournaments. Best-of-3 is until a player gets 2 wins, Best-of-5 is until 3 wins.

Brick: Card that’s almost useless when drawn, like both Sewer Raiders in the same time, Roach, or Knickers. Or a card that is almost useless in the current round for example Geralt without 9 points target on board.

Carryover: Saving points for later rounds, either boosting cards in hand or in deck, or by resilience, or in any other way.

Conquest: A tournament system where players have to win with all their leaders once before their opponent does that. Each winning deck can be used only once. Generally it’s Bo3 or Bo5.

Crown Points: Players gain them throughout the year, for finishing in the top200 players of Pro Rank, and for places in tournaments organized by CDPR. Players with the most Crown Points compete at the Masters in December.

Devotion: Having the whole deck only built from faction cards, no neutrals at all.

Drypassing: Passing in r2 without playing any cards.

Fmmr: Faction mmr, each players placement consists of their best 4 factions fmmr.

GG: Good Game. At the end of the match, you can send your opponent a GG, which rewards him with a small amount of ore, scraps, meteorite powder, or RP.

Graveyard-hate: Cards that banish cards from the graveyard to deny carryover.

Gwent Masters: A tournament organized by CDPR, the top8 players are invited in December. The 4 Open winners, and the 4 with the most Crown Points.

Gwent Open: A tournament organized by CDPR, there are 4 Opens each year. The top64 players from Pro Rank fights in the qualifiers to get the Open spots every month.

Hero-Pass: Passing in r2, with the expectation that your opponent can’t make the pointgap, otherwise you lose. It’s a brave thing to do.

Highlander: See Singleton.

Highroll: A lucky interaction, when the random effects help you. The opposite of Lowroll.

Homebrew: A deck not built by copying others, but self-made. Fine-tuning those homebrews takes a lot of experience and time.

Homecoming: In the autumn of 2018, CDPR revamped Gwent, with loads of new features, and marks the ending of beta, and starting of the official release of the game.

Journey: A battle pass lasting for 3 months. It is an alternative of the daily progression before, each Journey has a standard (free) and premium path (buyable with IRL currency)

Ladder: The ranked system, players getting their opponents based on their ranks, or their fmmr in Pro Rank. There are 31 ranks in total, a player starts from 30, and goes forward, the top is rank 0, known as Pro Rank.

Lowroll: An unlucky interaction, when the random effects are against you. The opposite of Highroll.

Meta: Popular decks, made famous by pro players, streamers, content creators. Esport Teams, like Team Elder Blood, Team Leviathan Gaming, Team Aretuza, etc. create meta snapshots to showcase these decks.

Mirror match: Playing against the same deck that you have.

Mulligan: Swapping cards from the hand to draw from your deck. Keep in mind that the mulliganed cards are shuffled back to the deck to a random position.

Nerf: Weakening a card by changing it. Opposite of Buff.

Netdecking: Taking decks from various pro players, streamers, content creators.

Placements: The first 25 games for 4 factions, so 100 in total. This gives you the fully unlocked mmr rating. It’s only important on Pro Rank.

Powercreep: When the new cards are much stronger than the old ones.

Red coin: You go second.

Prestige: Leveling up after getting xp from the matches. You switch prestige when leveling up after lvl60. There are 10 prestige levels, with various rewards.

Pro Rank/Rank0: Ranking up from rank1 gets you to Pro Rank (if you accepted the Pro Rank Regulations in the settings before) In pro rank, the base fmmr is bigger, and you can play against a lot of strong competitors. Finishing in the top200 grants you Crown Points, and finishing in the top64 gives you a spot in the Open Qualifiers to battle against the best players for a spot in the Open.

RNG: Random Number Generator, randomness in the game. There are a lot of cards with random effects, a good player can use them to their advantage.

Singleton deck: A deck that only uses a single copy of each card. Certain cards might need it, like Radeyah or Shupe.

Tech card: A situational card that’s only useful in certain cases, like a purify, graveyard-hate, or reset.

Thinning: Reducing your deck’s size in an attempt to get better draws from it later in the game.

Tutor: Drawing/playing a specific card from your deck.

If we missed some slang phrase, message Us on Discord, we will update the list.

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