Upcoming cards

Developer update summary
Check summary of most important changes here.
Or you can watch whole Developer Update here:
TheShaggyNuts: [SY] Lined Pockets, [MO] Arachas Swarm, [SK] Blaze of Glory, [NG] Double Cross
ForeverYOLO322: [SY] Lined Pockets, [MO] Arachas Swarm, [SK] Blaze of Glory, [NG] Double Cross
Tobliat: [SY] Lined Pockets, [MO] Arachas Swarm, [SK] Blaze of Glory, [NG] Imprisonment
Kams134: [SY] Lined Pockets, [MO] Carapace, [SC] Nature’s Gift, [NG] Double Cross
Bart933: [SY] Lined Pockets, [MO] Carapace, [SK] Blaze of Glory, [NG] Imprisonment
Redrame: [SY] Lined Pockets, [MO] Arachas Swarm, [SK] Blaze of Glory, [NG] Double Cross
JustHeadButtPlay: [SY] Lined Pockets, [MO] Arachas Swarm, [SK] Blaze of Glory, [NG] Double Cross
Pajabol: [SY] Lined Pockets, [MO] Arachas Swarm, [SK] Blaze of Glory, [ST] Nature’s Gift


Prize pool
In total 20 700 USD.
10 000 USD base prize pool and additional prize pool from your Winter Pack & Bundle purchases