Qualifier Top 64 | May | Summary

Saturday from 12:00 CEST players view.
Saturday from 12:00 CEST Polish cast by Pawloex, on Pawloex channel.
Sunday from 6:30PM CEST English cast by Ceely and Zubedoo, on Ceely channel.
Sunday from 6:30PM CEST Polish cast by Pawloex and Drobniak, on Pawloex channel.
Sunday from 6:30PM CEST French cast by ShupeTV, on ShupeTV channel.
Day #2:
Mistikal [Ukraine] Off the Books, Precision Strike, Imprisonment,
Sebinho101 [Germany] Deadeye Ambush, Off the Books, Stockpile,
Sheath29 [India] Ursine Ritual, Pincer Maneuver, Off the Books,
spellingbee [Canada] Ursine Ritual, Pincer Maneuver, Off the Books,
magpie131 [Moldova] Pincer Maneuver, Precision Strike, Imprisonment,
t1mMy1337 [Poland] Tactical Decision, Fruits of Ysgith, Pincer Maneuver,
IaPetiteMort [Poland] Pincer Maneuver, Fruits of Ysgith, Ursine Ritual,
Truzky [Poland] Off the Books, Fruits of Ysgith, Ursine Ritual,
TurboChimpSlicer [Turkey] Off the Books, Ursine Ritual, Imprisonment,
LeeJieun [United States] Precision Strike, Imprisonment, Pincer Maneuver,
Danirai [Poland] Pincer Maneuver, Ursine Ritual, Fruits of Ysgith,
Puzzle.Express [United Kingdom] Blood Scent, Deadeye Ambush, Imprisonment,
JaimeOneHand [Poland] Off the Books, Pincer Maneuver, Imprisonment,
国服社区赛03 Off the Books, Deadeye Ambush, Fruits of Ysgith,
Sif_Great_Wolf [Ukraine] Reckless Flurry, Tactical Decision, Guerilla Tactics,
IgniLoverLover69 [Germany] Ursine Ritual, Pincer Maneuver, Deadeye Ambush,
Day #1:
turbochimpslicer Pincer Maneuver (NR), Ursine Ritual (SK), Off the Books (SY),
spellingbee Pincer Maneuver (NR), Ursine Ritual (SK), Off the Books (SY),
frailcoast Pincer Maneuver (NR), Imprisonment (NG), Ursine Ritual (SK),
tlg_pajabol Pincer Maneuver (NR), Deadeye Ambush (ST), Off the Books (SY),
mistikal Off the Books (SY), Tactical Decision (NG), Pincer Maneuver (NR),
bart933 Pincer Maneuver (NR), Tactical Decision (NG), Ursine Ritual (SK),
gandalf0271 Ursine Ritual (SK), Off the Books (SY), Pincer Maneuver (NR),
truzky Fruits of Ysgith (MO), Ursine Ritual (SK), Pincer Maneuver (NR),
infern-ale Off the Books (SY), Precision Strike (ST), Imposter (NG),
puzzle.express Imprisonment (NG), Precision Strike (ST), Pincer Maneuver (NR),
kams134 Pincer Maneuver (NR), Imprisonment (NG), Ursine Ritual (SK),
danirai Pincer Maneuver (NR), Ursine Ritual (SK), Fruits of Ysgith (MO),
magpie131 Pincer Maneuver (NR), Precision Strike (ST), Imprisonment (NG),
pepesmile Ursine Ritual (SK), Off the Books (SY), Pincer Maneuver (NR),
rabbitgeorge Pincer Maneuver (NR), Precision Strike (ST), Off the Books (SY),
kupcevic Pincer Maneuver (NR), Ursine Ritual (SK), Off the Books (SY),
sif_great_wolf Guerrilla Tactics (ST), Pincer Maneuver (NR), Tactical Decision (NG),
highrollerko Off the Books (SY), Pincer Maneuver (NR), Ursine Ritual (SK),
spyroza Fruits of Ysgith (MO), Precision Strike (ST), Off the Books (SY),
gabane Imprisonment (NG), Off the Books (SY), Guerilla Tactics (ST),
rogbros Precision Strike (ST), Pincer Maneuver (NR), Imprisonment (NG),
caemilech Off The Books (SY), Pincer Maneuver (NR), Deadeye Ambush (ST),
john丶sally Imprisonment (NG), Deadeye Ambush (ST), Reckless Flurry (SK),
patsy_1998 Off the Books (SY), Pincer Maneuver (NR), Precision Strike (ST),
beardybog Pincer Maneuver (NR), Deadeye Ambush (ST), Off the Books (SY),
elf933 Stockpile (NR), Deadeye Ambush (ST), Tactical Decision (NG),
kaneki_yamori Imprisonment (NG), Pincer Maneuver (NR), Precision Strike (ST),
t1mmy1337 Pincer Maneuver (NR), Fruits of Ysgith (MO), Ursine Ritual (SK),
sheath29 Ursine Ritual (SK), Guerrilla Tactics (ST), Off The Books (SY),
leejieun Imprisonment (NG), Off the Books (SY), Precision Strike (ST),
ilbestio Off the Books (SY), Precision Strike (ST), Imposter (NG),
sebinho101 Deadeye Ambush (ST), Off The Books (SY), Stockpile (NR),
killerganon Precision Strike (ST), Off The Books (SY), Pincer Maneuver (NR),
iapetitemort Pincer Maneuver (NR), Fruits of Ysgith (MO), Ursine Ritual (SK),
takikiraly Stockpile (NR), Fruits of Ysgith (MO), Precision Strike (ST),
sea1111.23318 Stockpile (NR), Precision Strike (ST), Off the Books (SY),
cauevrihedd Off the Books (SY), Deadeye Ambush (ST), Pincer Maneuver (NR),
igniloverlover69 Off the Books (SY), Deadeye Ambush (ST), Pincer Maneuver (NR),
One_more_t1me Pincer Maneuver (NR), Off the Books (SY), Imprisonment (NG),
gerinter Fruits of Ysgith (MO), Stockpile (NR), Ursine Ritual (SK),
fanderman Reckless Flurry (SK), Off The Books (SY), Guerrilla Tactics (ST),
CenserIdiotCard Fruits of Ysgith (MO), Ursine Ritual (SK), Pincer Maneuver (NR),
한쿡은조흔나라 Shieldwall (NR), Off The Books (SY), Precision Strike (ST),
idris_98 Off The Books (SY), Pincer Maneuver (NR), Precision Strike (ST),
gregory_black Pincer Maneuver (NR), Fruits of Ysgith (MO), Deadeye Ambush (ST),
jaimeonehand Imprisonment (NG), Pincer Maneuver (NR), Deadeye Ambush (ST),
alfon_disparates Deadeye Ambush (ST), Pincer Maneuver (NR), Tactical Decision (NG),
spiedi Ursine Ritual (SK), Fruits of Ysgith (MO), Off the Books (SY),
Aethr3n Off the Books (SY), Precision Strike (ST), Imprisonment (NG),
_Nagasaki_ Off the Books (SY), Precision Strike (ST), Pincer Maneuver (NR),
kubricks Pincer Maneuver (NR), Off the Books (SY), Imprisonment (NG),
西猫羽 Off the Books (SY), Imprisonment (NG), Fruits of Ysgith (MO),
aizhihuan Off the Books (SY), Deadeye Ambush (ST), Fruits of Ysgith (MO),
Link to bracket here.
Leader abilities
Day #2:
Pincer Maneuver: 14
Off the Books: 13
Imprisonment: 9
Ursine Ritual: 7
Fruits of Ysgith: 7
Deadeye Ambush: 4
Precision Strike: 3
Guerilla Tactics: 2
Tactical Decision: 2
Stockpile: 1
Blood Scent: 1
Reckless Flurry: 1
Day #1:
Pincer Maneuver (NR): 35
Off the Books (SY): 26
Ursine Ritual (SK): 17
Precision Strike (ST): 17
Imprisonment (NG): 14
Fruits of Ysgith (MO): 12
Off The Books (SY): 7
Tactical Decision (NG): 5
Stockpile (NR): 5
Guerrilla Tactics (ST): 3
Imposter (NG): 2
Reckless Flurry (SK): 2
Poland: 5
Ukraine: 2
Germany: 2
India: 1
Canada: 1
Moldova: 1
Turkey: 1
United States: 1
United Kingdom: 1
Unknown: 1