Qualifier Top 64 | Czerwiec | Podsumowanie

Sobota od 12:00 Polski komentarz Pawloex + Rykov, na kanale Pawloexa.
Sobota od 12:00 angielskie streamy zawodników: SpyroZA, Pajabol, Magpie131 i GaBane.
Niedziela od 18:30 Polski komentarz Pawloex, na kanale Pawloexa.
Niedziela od 18:30 Angielski komentarz TheaBeasty + Lionhart, na kanale TheaBeasty.
Niedziela od 18:30 Francuski komentarz ShupeTV, na kanale ShupeTV.
Link do drabinki dzień #2: tutaj.
Link do drabinki dzień #1: tutaj.
Dzień #2:
magpie131 [Moldova] Double Cross, Precision Strike, Stockpile, Ursine Ritual
kams134 [Poland] Double Cross, Ursine Ritual, Off the Books, Deadeye Ambush
Zeibinator [Austria] Off the Books, Double Cross, Stockpile, Deadeye Ambush
Galarto [Romania] Off the Books, Guerilla Tactics, Stockpile, Double Cross
Forgoil [Serbia] Off the Books, Deadeye Ambush, Double Cross, Stockpile
Killerganon [France] Double Cross, Stockpile, Ursine Ritual, Off the Books
ALFON_DISPARATES [Spain] Off the Books, Ursine Ritual, Deadeye Ambush, Double Cross
Caemilech [France] Double Cross, Stockpile, Ursine Ritual, Off the Books
Puzzle.Express [United Kingdom] Imprisonment, Deadeye Ambush, Reckless Flurry, Off the Books
TLG_Pajabol [Poland] Ursine Ritual, Off the Books, Stockpile, Double Cross
Danirai [Poland] Ursine Ritual, Double Cross, Stockpile, Off the Books
塞上牛羊 [China] Imprisonment, Deadeye Ambush, Stockpile, Blood Money
Frailcoast [Colombia] Deadeye Ambush, Off the Books, Ursine Ritual, Double Cross
John丶Sally [China] Deadeye Ambush, Off the Books, Inspired Zeal, Imprisonment
Sif_Great_Wolf [Ukraine] Double Cross, Deadeye Ambush, Reckless Flurry, Off the Books
infern-ale [Netherlands] Blaze of Glory, Precision Strike, Off the Books, Imposter
Dzień #1:
CaptainFlixon [Francja] Off the Books, Reckless Flurry, Precision Strike,
MAXIMUMTHEGAVR [Ukraina] Blood Scent, Deadeye Ambush, Off the Books,
Gandy_SIMP [Polska] Stockpile, Precision Strike, Double Cross,
magpie131 [Mołdawia] Double Cross, Stockpile, Precision Strike,
Killerganon [Francja] Ursine Ritual, Off the Books, Stockpile,
Mr.MayhemLT [Litwa] Imprisonment, Ursine Ritual, Precision Strike,
CenserIdiotCard [Indonezja] Stockpile, Precision Strike, Off the Books,
gwent_test_355 [Chiny] Off the Books, Deadeye Ambush, Stockpile,
Puzzle.Express [Wielka Brytania] Off the Books, Deadeye Ambush, Imprisonment,
Galarto [Rumunia] Off the Books, Guerilla Tactics, Stockpile,
elquellora_ [Włochy] Imprisonment, Reckless Flurry, Off the Books,
xNelder [Wielka Brytania] Off the Books, Invigorate, Tactical Decision,
Forgoil [Serbia] Off the Books, Deadeye Ambush, Double Cross,
Caemilech [Francja] Stockpile, Off the Books, Ursine Ritual,
Mya-Mon369EX [Japonia] Pirate’s Cove, Stockpile, Guerilla Tactics,
ALFON_DISPARATES [Hiszpania] Ursine Ritual, Off the Books, Deadeye Ambush,
gwent_test_328 [Chiny] Ursine Ritual, Stockpile, Precision Strike,
IaPetiteMort [Polska] Imprisonment, Ursine Ritual, Off the Books,
PepeSmile [Polska] Ursine Ritual, Double Cross, Off the Books,
Danirai [Polska] Ursine Ritual, Off the Books, Double Cross,
kams134 [Polska] Deadeye Ambush, Ursine Ritual, Off the Books,
Sheath29 [Indie] Imprisonment, Off the Books, Precision Strike,
Sif_Great_Wolf [Ukraina] Off the Books, Deadeye Ambush, Double Cross,
한쿡은조흔나라 [Korea Południowa] Stockpile, Precision Strike, Off the Books,
giordaniko [Włochy] Off the Books, Imprisonment, Guerilla Tactics,
infern-ale [Niderlandy] Precision Strike, Imposter, Off the Books,
Cabelo.Beta [Brazylia] Double Cross, Precision Strike, Off the Books,
JSN991 [Wielka Brytania] Stockpile, Off the Books, Ursine Ritual,
takikiraly [Węgry] Off the Books, Inspired Zeal, Guerilla Tactics,
GrandKazuzu [Polska] Off the Books, Precision Strike, Imprisonment,
JaimeOneHand [Polska] Stockpile, Deadeye Ambush, Off the Books,
SpyroZA [Republika Południowej Afryki] Precision Strike, Double Cross, Off the Books,
Bart933 [Polska] Double Cross, Ursine Ritual, Off the Books,
sea1111.23318 [Chiny] Off the Books, Guerilla Tactics, Stockpile,
TLG_Pajabol [Polska] Ursine Ritual, Off the Books, Double Cross,
John丶Sally [Chiny] Off the Books, Guerilla Tactics, Imprisonment,
Frailcoast [Kolumbia] Off the Books, Deadeye Ambush, Ursine Ritual,
RabbitGeorge [Ukraina] Stockpile, Off the Books, Double Cross,
change40 [Chiny] Guerilla Tactics, Off the Books, Imprisonment,
塞上牛羊 [Chiny] Imprisonment, Deadeye Ambush, Blood Money,
SaNvAnTeR [Ukraina] Off the Books, Double Cross, Ursine Ritual,
HighNoon00 [Włochy] Off the Books, Imposter, Precision Strike,
MadddLife [Ukraina] Ursine Ritual, Deadeye Ambush, Off the Books,
HighRollerko [Polska] Off the Books, Ursine Ritual, Imprisonment,
kupcevic [Polska] Imprisonment, Ursine Ritual, Off the Books,
Zeibinator [Austria] Precision Strike, Double Cross, Stockpile,
Grzmocior [Polska] Off the Books, Precision Strike, Imprisonment,
Aethr3n [Polska] Imprisonment, Stockpile, Off the Books,
GaBane [Gruzja] Off the Books, Stockpile, Deadeye Ambush,
miranda223 [Chiny] Guerilla Tactics, Tactical Decision, Blaze of Glory,
Idris_98 [Algieria] Imprisonment, Precision Strike, Off the Books,
Manifest.Destiny [Stany Zjednoczone] Guerilla Tactics, Stockpile, Off the Books
Umiejętności lidera
Dzień #2:
Off the Books: 14
Double Cross: 12
Stockpile: 9
Deadeye Ambush: 9
Ursine Ritual: 8
Imprisonment: 3
Precision Strike: 2
Reckless Flurry: 2
Guerilla Tactics: 1
Blood Money: 1
Inspired Zeal: 1
Blaze of Glory: 1
Imposter: 1
Dzień #1:
Odliczenie: 44
Dodatkowe Zasoby: 18
Niedźwiedzi Rytuał: 17
Precyzyjne Uderzenie: 16
Areszt: 15
Przechera: 13
Czatownicza Zasadzka: 12
Taktyka Partyzancka: 9
Nawałnica Ciosów: 2
Taktyczna Decyzja: 2
Hochsztapler: 2
Woń Krwi: 1
Pobudzenie: 1
Zatoka Piracka: 1
Natchniony Zapał: 1
Krwawa Forsa: 1
Blask Chwały: 1
Dzień #2:
Poland: 3
France: 2
China: 2
Moldova: 1
Austria: 1
Romania: 1
Serbia: 1
Spain: 1
United Kingdom: 1
Dzień #1:
Polska: 13
Chiny: 7
Ukraina: 5
Francja: 3
Wielka Brytania: 3
Włochy: 3
Mołdawia: 1
Litwa: 1
Indonezja: 1
Rumunia: 1
Serbia: 1
Japonia: 1
Hiszpania: 1
Indie: 1
Republika Południowej Afryki: 1
Niderlandy: 1
Brazylia: 1
Węgry: 1
Kolumbia: 1
Austria: 1
Algieria: 1
Stany Zjednoczone: 1
Gruzja: 1
Korekta: Rem_Rem