
Qualifier Top 16 | Maj | Podsumowanie

Sobota od 12:00 Polski komentarz Pawloex, na kanale Pawloex.

Sobota od 12:00 streamy zawodników: Pajabol, Magpie131

Niedziela od 14:00 Polski komentarz Pawloex i Drobniak, na kanale Pawloex.

Niedziela od 14:00 Angielski komentarz Lionhart i TheaBeasty, na kanale Lionhart.

Niedziela od 14:00 Francuski komentarz ShupeTV, na kanale ShupeTV.


Truzky [Poland] Pincer Maneuver, Fruits of Ysgith, Off the Books, Deadeye Ambush
Mistikal [Ukraine] Ursine Ritual, Off the Books, Tactical Decision, Pincer Maneuver
spellingbee [Canada] Ursine Ritual, Deadeye Ambush, Imprisonment, Off the Books
magpie131 [Moldova] Precision Strike, Tactical Decision, Off the Books, Pincer Maneuver
Gandalf0271 [Poland] Pincer Maneuver, Fruits of Ysgith, Off the Books, Deadeye Ambush
Danirai [Poland] Pincer Maneuver, Fruits of Ysgith, Off the Books, Deadeye Ambush
BRDL_Uwodziciel [Poland] Off the Books, Ursine Ritual, Deadeye Ambush, Pincer Maneuver
infern-ale [Netherlands] Arachas Swarm, Off the Books, Precision Strike, Imposter
Bart933 [Poland] Tactical Decision, Pincer Maneuver, Precision Strike, Off the Books
Puzzle.Express [United Kingdom] Precision Strike, Off the Books, Tactical Decision, Pincer Maneuver
kams134 [Poland] Stockpile, Deadeye Ambush, Off the Books, Imprisonment
TurboChimpSlicer [Turkey] Pincer Maneuver, Fruits of Ysgith, Ursine Ritual, Off the Books
TLG_Qnerr [Poland] Off the Books, Stockpile, Deadeye Ambush, Ursine Ritual
TLG_Pajabol [Poland] Fruits of Ysgith, Precision Strike, Pincer Maneuver, Off the Books
Frailcoast [Colombia] Off the Books, Imprisonment, Pincer Maneuver, Precision Strike
lerio2 [Poland] Fruits of Ysgith, Pincer Maneuver, Ursine Ritual, Off the Books


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Umiejętności lidera

Off the Books: 16
Pincer Maneuver: 12
Deadeye Ambush: 7
Fruits of Ysgith: 6
Ursine Ritual: 6
Precision Strike: 6
Tactical Decision: 4
Imprisonment: 3
Stockpile: 2
Arachas Swarm: 1
Imposter: 1


Poland: 9
Ukraine: 1
Canada: 1
Moldova: 1
Netherlands: 1
United Kingdom: 1
Turkey: 1
Colombia: 1

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