Qualifier Top 64 | Sezon Gryfa | Podsumowanie

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Top 64 sezonu Gryfa
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W sobotę 28 sierpnia Pawloex będzie grał w kwalifikacjach i streamował swoją perspektywę (z 15 minutowym delayem) na kanale Pawloexa.
W niedziele 29 sierpnia od 18:30 Pawloex i Diann będą castować dla Was po polsku kwalifikacje dzień #2 na kanale Pawloexa.
Talie zawodników
Dzień 2:
JaimeOneHand Lined Pockets, Reckless Flurry, Fruits of Ysgith, Tactical Decision
Nequiz Reckless Flurry, Imprisonment, Lined Pockets, Fruits of Ysgith
Akela113 Lined Pockets, Fruits of Ysgith, Double Cross, Precision Strike
1KAKFORMULACLOWN Precision Strike, Fruits of Ysgith, Lined Pockets, Imprisonment
한쿡은조흔나라 Fruits of Ysgith, Lined Pockets, Tactical Decision, Precision Strike
wangid2021 Precision Strike, Fruits of Ysgith, Lined Pockets, Tactical Decision
Lekssmiling Lined Pockets, Arachas Swarm, Imprisonment, Precision Strike
TLG_Pajabol Precision Strike, Tactical Decision, Fruits of Ysgith, Lined Pockets
Gandalf0271 Lined Pockets, Tactical Decision, Fruits of Ysgith, Precision Strike
Wlastelin Fruits of Ysgith, Tactical Decision, Lined Pockets, Reckless Flurry
lord-triss Fruits of Ysgith, Lined Pockets, Reckless Flurry, Tactical Decision
Akela110 Lined Pockets, Tactical Decision, Precision Strike, Fruits of Ysgith
8L4CKH0L3 Inspired Zeal, Fruits of Ysgith, Reckless Flurry, Precision Strike
Necrotal Fruits of Ysgith, Imprisonment, Lined Pockets, Precision Strike
garigari Imprisonment, Precision Strike, Jackpot, Fruits of Ysgith
Virus4AM Lined Pockets, Reckless Flurry, Tactical Decision, Fruits of Ysgith
Dzień 1:
Akela110 [SY] Lined Pockets, [ST] Precision Strike, [NG] Tactical Decision
Akela113 [NG] Double Cross, [SY] Lined Pockets, [MO] Fruits of Ysgith
Arango18 [NG] Imprisonment, [SY] Lined Pockets, [MO] Fruits of Ysgith
Bart933 [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [NG] Imprisonment, [SY] Lined Pockets
berzxrkmodegnxm [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Tactical Decision
CintrianLion [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Tactical Decision
Danirai [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Imprisonment
Gandalf0271 [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Lined Pockets
garigari [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [NG] Imprisonment, [ST] Precision Strike
goyardglock17scam [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [NG] Imprisonment, [SY] Lined Pockets
Handreader [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Precision Strike, [SY] Lined Pockets
JaimeOneHand [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Lined Pockets
kams134 [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Tactical Decision
Kar5555 [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [SY] Lined Pockets, [ST] Precision Strike
KEEPYOURGGnocap [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [NG] Imprisonment, [SY] Lined Pockets
Kerpeten [MO] Arachas Swarm, [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Lined Pockets
KronoSex [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Imprisonment
Legat_7 [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [SK] Reckless Flurry, [SY] Lined Pockets
Lekssmiling [NG] Imprisonment, [ST] Precision Strike, [SY] Lined Pockets
lerio2 [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Enslave
lord_triss [SY] Lined Pockets, [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [NG] Tactical Decision
META050130EX [ST] Precision Strike, [NG] Imprisonment, [MO] Fruits of Ysgith
myamon [NG] Imprisonment, [MO] Force of Nature, [ST] Precision Strike
Necrotal [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Imprisonment
Nequiz [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [NG] Imprisonment, [SY] Lined Pockets
Normanne [NG] Imprisonment, [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [SY] Lined Pockets
one_two12 [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [NG] Tactical Decision, [ST] Precision Strike
Pajabol [NG] Tactical Decision, [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [SY] Lined Pockets
Patsy_1998 [ST] Precision Strike, [NG] Tactical Decision, [MO] Fruits of Ysgith
pawloex [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Lined Pockets
Pepsikolniy_228_ [NG] Imprisonment, [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [SY] Lined Pockets
proNEOnk [MO] Force of Nature, [ST] Precision Strike, [SY] Lined Pockets
Qnerr [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Tactical Decision
sArtNDf [NR] Inspired Zeal, [NG] Imprisonment, [SY] Lined Pockets
spellingbee [SY] Lined Pockets, [SK] Rage of the Sea, [NR] Pincer Maneuver
Spyro_ZA [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Lined Pockets
theshaggynuts [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [SY] Lined Pockets, [ST] Precision Strike
TN_Frailcoast [SK] Reckless Flurry, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [ST] Precision Strike
Virus4AM [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [NG] Tactical Decision, [SK] Reckless Flurry
wangid2021 [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Imprisonment
Wlastelin [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Lined Pockets, [SK] Reckless Flurry
xcyberzz [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Tactical Decision, [MO] Fruits of Ysgith
xXxREVANxXx007 [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Imprisonment, [MO] Fruits of Ysgith
zireaeldenn [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Tactical Decision, [MO] Arachas Swarm
나한테지면바보 [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Lined Pockets
한쿡은조흔나라 [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Tactical Decision
巨型扎克 [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [NG] Tactical Decision, [ST] Precision Strike
情枭的黎明 [MO] Fruits of Ysgith, [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Lined Pockets
高尾山 [NG] Imprisonment, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SK] Reckless Flurry
Link do drabinki tutaj.