
Qualifier Top 64 | Podsumowanie

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Top 64 sezonu magi

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W sobotę 24 maja Pawloex będzie grał w kwalifikacjach i streamował swoją perspektywę (z 15 minutowym delayem) na kanale Pawloexa.

W niedziele 25 lipca Drobniak i Rykov będą castować dla Was po polsku kwalifikacje dzień #2 na kanale Drobniaka.

Talie zawodników

_SvYaT_ [SY] Lined Pockets, [MO] Force of Nature, [NR] Inspired Zeal

Bart933 [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Jackpot, [NR] Inspired Zeal

Chase [NR] Inspired Zeal, [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Lined Pockets

CintrianLion [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Tactical Decision, [NR] Inspired Zeal

GranMazorca2021 [MO] Force of Nature, [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Jackpot

Gravesh [SY] Jackpot, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [NG] Tactical Decision

JohnSally [SY] Lined Pockets, [MO] Force of Nature, [SK] Reckless Flurry

JSN991 [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Tactical Decision, [MO] Force of Nature

kams134 [MO] Force of Nature, [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Lined Pockets

Kar5555 [NG] Tactical Decision, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Lined Pockets

Kerpeten [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NR] Inspired Zeal

KitSeal [NR] Inspired Zeal, [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Lined Pockets

kolemoen [NG] Tactical Decision, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Lined Pockets

KronoSex [SY] Jackpot, [SK] Reckless Flurry, [NG] Tactical Decision

KrystallvloneLGBT+ [NR] Inspired Zeal, [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Lined Pockets

lord_triss [SY] Lined Pockets, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SK] Reckless Flurry

magpie131 [NG] Imprisonment, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NR] Inspired Zeal

Maruth24 [NG] Imprisonment, [NR] Pincer Maneuver, [SY] Jackpot

massi91 [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Jackpot, [NG] Tactical Decision

META050130EX [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Jackpot, [SK] Reckless Flurry

myamon [MO] Arachas Swarm, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Jackpot

Nik_r [NG] Imprisonment, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Lined Pockets

Noelle69420 [MO] Force of Nature, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Lined Pockets

one_two12 [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Lined Pockets, [ST] Precision Strike

pawloex [MO] Force of Nature, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Jackpot

Purzelkraft [SY] Jackpot, [SK] Reckless Flurry, [NG] Tactical Decision

Qnerr [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Imprisonment, [NR] Inspired Zeal

QuiGon96 [SY] Jackpot, [NG] Tactical Decision, [NR] Inspired Zeal

Redrame [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Tactical Decision, [SK] Reckless Flurry

Ryazanov13 [SY] Lined Pockets, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [NG] Imprisonment

Sheath29 [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Tactical Decision, [NR] Inspired Zeal

Sif_Great_Wolf [NG] Imprisonment, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Lined Pockets

sindikkat [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Lined Pockets, [MO] Force of Nature

sobrietor [NG] Tactical Decision, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Jackpot

Somnasgwent [NG] Tactical Decision, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Jackpot

spellingbee [MO] Overwhelming Hunger, [ST] Precision Strike, [SY] Lined Pockets

Spyro_ZA [NG] Imprisonment, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NR] Inspired Zeal

The_Egyptian_King [NG] Tactical Decision, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Lined Pockets

whitecool [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NR] Inspired Zeal

Wlastelin [SY] Lined Pockets, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SK] Reckless Flurry

x_rage [SY] Jackpot, [NG] Tactical Decision, [SK] Reckless Flurry

xCabeloBeta [NG] Tactical Decision, [SK] Reckless Flurry, [SY] Jackpot

xcyberzz [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Tactical Decision

Xiwer [SY] Jackpot, [NG] Tactical Decision, [NR] Inspired Zeal

xXxREVANxXx007 [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Lined Pockets, [MO] Force of Nature

zoz97 [MO] Force of Nature, [NG] Imprisonment, [SY] Lined Pockets

파시 [NG] Tactical Decision, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Jackpot

围巾哥哥 [NG] Tactical Decision, [SY] Jackpot, [NR] Inspired Zeal

我这把牌超大 [SY] Jackpot, [MO] Force of Nature, [NR] Inspired Zeal

软泥怪RNG [SY] Jackpot, [SK] Reckless Flurry, [NR] Inspired Zeal


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