Qualifier Top 64 | September | Summary

Saturday from 12:00 CEST players view: GaBane22, SpyroZA, magpie131.
Saturday from 12:00 CEST Pawloex is playing on his channel.
Sunday from 6:30PM CEST Polish cast by Pawloex and Rykov on Pawloex channel.
Sunday from 6:30PM CEST English cast by SaltyCaptain and Erdem, on the_saltycaptain channel.
Sunday from 6:30PM CEST French cast by ShupeTV, on ShupeTV channel.
Link to bracket day #2: HERE.
Link to bracket day #1: HERE.
Day 2
SpyroZA [South Africa] Lined Pockets, Imprisonment, Blood Scent, Guerilla Tactics
Redrame [United States] Lined Pockets, Imprisonment, Guerilla Tactics, Reckless Flurry
Czongus [Poland] Imprisonment, Guerilla Tactics, Lined Pockets, Onslaught
Mya-Mon369EX [Japan] Rage of the Sea, Guerilla Tactics, Double Cross, Lined Pockets
pawloex [Poland] Imprisonment, Royal Inspiration, Lined Pockets, Blaze of Glory
Truzky [Poland] Royal Inspiration, Guerilla Tactics, Double Cross, Lined Pockets
也是微云 [China] Guerilla Tactics, Lined Pockets, Rage of the Sea, Imprisonment
Violet.Kiramman [China] Double Cross, Rage of the Sea, Lined Pockets, Call of Harmony
Sprout.Q [China] Lined Pockets, Double Cross, Rage of the Sea, Call of Harmony
Zoltan3344 [Poland] Guerilla Tactics, Lined Pockets, Imprisonment, Onslaught
Poisound [Colombia] Blood Scent, Lined Pockets, Double Cross, Guerilla Tactics
Gandalf0271 [Poland] Double Cross, Guerilla Tactics, Lined Pockets, Royal Inspiration
Puzzle.Express [United Kingdom] Guerilla Tactics, Imprisonment, Blaze of Glory, Off the Books
情枭的黎明 [China] Imprisonment, Guerilla Tactics, Lined Pockets, Royal Inspiration
InNomineSatanas [Poland] Lined Pockets, Imprisonment, Overwhelming Hunger, Guerilla Tactics
Bart933 [Poland] Guerilla Tactics, Imprisonment, Off the Books, Royal Inspiration
Day 1
Redrame [United States of America] [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [NG] Imprisonment, [SY] Lined Pockets
lerio2 [Poland] [NG] Imprisonment, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NR] Royal Inspiration
Grandkazuzu [Poland] [SY] Lined Pockets, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [NG] Imprisonment
John丶Sally [China] [NG] Imprisonment, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
Bart933 [Poland] [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Off the Books, [NG] Imprisonment
情枭的黎明 [China] [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Imprisonment
Puzzle.Express [United Kingdom] [SY] Off the Books, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [NG] Enslave
PepeSmile [Poland] [NG] Imprisonment, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
magpie131 [Moldavia] [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
Danirai [Poland] [SY] Lined Pockets, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [NG] Imprisonment
Zoltan3344 [Poland] [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [NG] Imprisonment, [SK] Onslaught
Gandalf0271 [Poland] [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
RabbitGeorge [Ukraine] [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Guerilla Tactics
xXxREVANxXx007 [Ukraine] [NR] Inspired Zeal, [MO] Carapace, [NG] Imprisonment
Poisound [Columbia] [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Guerilla Tactics
Czongus [Poland] [SY] Lined Pockets, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [NG] Imprisonment
Mya-Mon369EX [Japan] [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Guerilla Tactics
xRagEXx [Ukraine] [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [NG] Double Cross, [SY] Lined Pockets
kosciej16 [Poland] [NG] Imprisonment, [SY] Lined Pockets, [ST] Guerilla Tactics
SaNvAnTeR [Ukraine] [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Guerilla Tactics
Truzky [Poland] [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
OKOGLAZ [Ukraine] [SY] Lined Pockets, [NR] Royal Inspiration, [NG] Double Cross
enerGiiX [Netherlands] [MO] Force of Nature, [NG] Imprisonment, [SY] Lined Pockets
NoGGforSihil [Indonesia] [NG] Imprisonment, [MO] Blood Scent, [SY] Lined Pockets
全是伏笔没有一点技术 [China] [NG] Imprisonment, [SK] Onslaught, [SY] Lined Pockets
t1mMy1337 [Poland] [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
Sprout.Q [China] [NG] Double Cross, [SY] Lined Pockets, [SK] Rage of The Sea
SpyroZA [Republic of South Africa] [NG] Imprisonment, [SY] Lined Pockets, [ST] Guerilla Tactics
UsedToBeRogbros [United States of America] [NG] Imprisonment, [SY] Lined Pockets, [ST] Guerilla Tactics
王者归来.哭死还在昆 [China] [MO] Blood Scent, [NG] Imprisonment, [SK] Onslaught
50ld13r_80y [Spain] [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
GaBane [Georgia] [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
_Nagasaki_ [Kazakhstan] [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
TLG_elquellora [Italy] [SY] Lined Pockets, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [NG] Imprisonment
Caemilech [France] [NG] Imprisonment, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
也是微云 [China] [NG] Imprisonment, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
Dykyj_Kaban [Ukraine] [NG] Imprisonment, [MO] Carapace, [ST] Guerilla Tactics
한쿡은조흔나라 [South Korea] [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [NR] Royal Inspiration
pawloex [Poland] [NG] Imprisonment, [NR] Royal Inspiration, [SY] Lined Pockets
Violet.Kiramman [China] [NG] Double Cross, [SY] Lined Pockets, [ST] Call of the Harmony
JaimeOneHand [Poland] [NG] Imprisonment, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
捡破烂的猎魔人 [Ashmore and Cartier Islands] [NG] Imprisonment, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
kadymazy [Poland] [NR] Royal Inspiration, [NG] Imprisonment, [SY] Lined Pockets
InNomineSatanas [Poland] [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
pepsikolniy_228_ [Ukraine] [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
deadinside.mxd [Moldavia] [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
十元三秋 [China] [NG] Imprisonment, [NR] Pincer Maneuver, [SK] Onslaught
TM_alfonDisparates [Spain] [NG] Imprisonment, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SY] Lined Pockets
国服社区赛03 [China] [SY] Lined Pockets, [NG] Imprisonment, [ST] Call of the Harmony
Leader abilities
Day 2
- Lined Pockets: 14
- Guerilla Tactics: 13
- Imprisonment: 10
- Double Cross: 6
- Royal Inspiration: 5
- Rage of the Sea: 4
- Blood Scent: 2
- Onslaught: 2
- Blaze of Glory: 2
- Call of Harmony: 2
- Off the Books: 2
- Reckless Flurry: 1
- Overwhelming Hunger: 1
Day 1
- Lined Pockets: 41
- Guerilla Tactics: 36
- Imprisonment: 29
- Double Cross: 19
- Royal Inspiration: 5
- Onslaught: 4
- Call of the Harmony: 2
- Off the Books: 2
- Blood Scent: 2
- Carapace: 2
- Force of Nature: 1
- Rage of The Sea: 1
- Enslave: 1
- Inspired Zeal: 1
- Pincer Maneuver: 1
Day 2
- Poland: 7
- China: 4
- South Africa: 1
- United States of America: 1
- Japan: 1
- Colombia: 1
- United Kingdom: 1
Day 1
- Poland: 15
- China: 9
- Ukraine: 7
- United States of America: 2
- Moldavia: 2
- Japan: 2
- Spain: 2
- United Kingdom: 1
- Columbia: 1
- Italy: 1
- Republic of South Africa: 1
- Ashmore and Cartier Islands: 1
- France: 1
- Kazakhstan: 1
- Georgia: 1
- Netherlands: 1