Qualifier Top 16 | Season of the Love | Summary

Saturday from 12:00 CET English cast by Spyro_ZA, on Spyro_ZA channel.
Saturday from 12:00 CET Polish cast by Pawloex, on Pawloex channel.
Sunday from 2:00PM CET English cast by Ceely and Specimen, on Specimen channel.
Sunday from 2:00PM CET Polish cast by Pawloex, on Pawloex channel.
Sunday from 2:00PM CET French cast by ShupeTV, on ShupeTV channel.
Yesterday Russian players had been banned from playing the official tournaments, CDPR statement can be found here. Therefore the list of participants is very different from the version that was announced a few days ago.
In protest of this decision, a few players including Lerio2 and Nik_r quit the tournament.
As a result in today’s tournament, only 11 players will play, and the top 5 of a ladder will get BYE win in the first round.
magpie131 [Moldova] Double Cross, Stockpile, Battle Trance, Deadeye Ambush
Danirai [Poland] Inspired Zeal, Deadeye Ambush, Off the books, Double Cross
Mya-Mon369EX [Japan] Jackpot, Double Cross, Stockpile, Precision Strike
Truzky [Poland] Off the books, Inspired Zeal, Deadeye Ambush, Double Cross
Xiwer [Poland] Deadeye Ambush, Inspired Zeal, Battle Trance, Jackpot
Mistikal [Ukraine] Tactical Decision, Deadeye Ambush, Rage of the Sea, Stockpile
SpyroZA [South Africa] Double Cross, Deadeye Ambush, Battle Trance, Inspired Zeal
Andi99 [Germany] Inspired Zeal, Battle Trance, Jackpot, Deadeye Ambush
8L4CKH0L3 [Spain] Ursine Ritual, Off the books, Double Cross, Inspired Zeal
Hequix [Finland] Deadeye Ambush, Inspired Zeal, Double Cross, Off the books
KazuyaJ [Poland] Inspired Zeal, Double Cross, Onslaught, Off the books
Link to bracket here.
Leader abilities
Double Cross: 8
Deadeye Ambush: 8
Inspired Zeal: 8
Off the books: 5
Battle Trance: 4
Stockpile: 3
Jackpot: 3
Precision Strike: 1
Tactical Decision: 1
Rage of the Sea: 1
Ursine Ritual: 1
Onslaught: 1
Poland: 4
Moldova: 1
Japan: 1
Ukraine: 1
South Africa: 1
Germany: 1
Finland: 1
Spain: 1