Qualifier Top 16 | Season of the Draconid | Summary

Top 16 Season of the Draconid
Watch on Twitch
Sunday from 2:00PM CEST English cast by Christo and Speciman, on Speciman channel.
Sunday from 2:00PM CEST Polish cast by Diann and Pawloex, on Diann channel.
TLG_Cyberz Arachas Swarm, Tactical Decision, Lined Pockets, Reckless Flurry
theshaggynuts Lined Pockets, Imprisonment, Precision Strike, Reckless Flurry
kams134 Lined Pockets, Imprisonment, Reckless Flurry, Inspired Zeal
Akela114 Precision Strike, Lined Pockets, Inspired Zeal, Imprisonment
Akela121 Precision Strike, Inspired Zeal, Imprisonment, Lined Pockets
Mya-Mon369EX Lined Pockets, Arachas Swarm, Imprisonment, Precision Strike
magpie131 Lined Pockets, Inspired Zeal, Nature’s Gift, Double Cross
Ern16 Lined Pockets, Imprisonment, Battle Trance, Precision Strike
Wlastelin Imprisonment, Inspired Zeal, Reckless Flurry, Lined Pockets
John丶Sally Inspired Zeal, Reckless Flurry, Lined Pockets, Imprisonment
Witcher_Cat Lined Pockets, Enslave, Arachas Swarm, Nature’s Gift
wangid2021 Lined Pockets, Tactical Decision, Battle Trance, Precision Strike
五花膘 Lined Pockets, Reckless Flurry, Imprisonment, Precision Strike
Ryazanov13 Lined Pockets, Imprisonment, Precision Strike, Inspired Zeal
Link to bracket here.