This Week in Gwent #13
Link to the whole stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1067130472
Below is only the most important stuff.
Important notes:
- Wandering Treant premium token is now finished. Team is working on animating the rest of the tokens.
- Card rotation will not be happening in the near future.
- Gwent team is trying to fix Gwent Observer.
- When Covid restrictions soften in the future the team would love to bring back LAN tournaments rather than have them take place online.
- Burza is not single.
Reminded about:
- CDPR raised over 12500PLN during their #Pride charity stream.
- Witchercon will take place on July 9th.
- On July 16th Kolemoen (season 1 winner) will face off against Pajabol (season 2 winner).
- Thronebreaker is now available on Android.
You can post your questions for Paweł Burza in the forum, selected one will be answered in next TWiG:
They are gathering ideas for content that players would like to see in future: