This Week in Gwent #4
Link to whole stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/955117365
Below only most important stuff.
Important notes:
- Upcoming premium token: https://clips.twitch.tv/TrappedBloodyHerbsHassanChop-0GqrZx4_sfO5Dar7
- Thronebreaker for Android is almost ready to be shipped.
- They are thinking about updating Gwent Observer but it will take time.
- The seasonal mode had problems because of Thirst Dame and Cahir therefore seasonal mode had to be changed to Double down.
- Gwent Open #1 will happen on the last weekend of April.
- No plans for new factions in Gwent.
- Reveal campaign for upcoming patches will stay the same (creators will reveal cards).
- There will be no chat in the game.
- No Pavko Gale or Walter Veritas Journey coming to a game.
Reminded about:
The next update will be on 1st April.
Qualifier #2 will be casted on Twitch this Sunday from 18:00 CET:
Data from Season of Love is available on forum:
You can post your questions for Paweł Burza in the forum, selected one will be answered in next TWiG:
They are gathering ideas for content that players would like to see in future: