Qualifier Top 16 | June | Summary

Saturday from 12:00 CEST English cast by SpyroZA, on SpyroZA channel.
Saturday from 12:00 CEST Polish cast by Pawloex, on Pawloex channel.
Sunday from 2:00PM CEST English cast by Ceely + Zubedoo, on Ceely channel.
Sunday from 2:00PM CEST Polish cast by Drobniak + Pawloex, on Drobniak channel.
Sunday from 2:00PM CEST French cast by ShupeTV, on ShupeTV channel.
Mistikal [Ukraine] Double Cross, Deadeye Ambush, Off the Books, Stockpile
Puzzle.Express [United Kingdom] Deadeye Ambush, Double Cross, Off the Books, Reckless Flurry
GrandKazuzu [Poland] Precision Strike, Ursine Ritual, Off the Books, Fruits of Ysgith
Mya-Mon369EX [Japan] Jackpot, Pincer Maneuver, Guerilla Tactics, Ursine Ritual
magpie131 [Moldova] Stockpile, Off the Books, Ursine Ritual, Double Cross
RabbitGeorge [Ukraine] Precision Strike, Off the Books, Stockpile, Double Cross
Fanderman [Poland] Guerilla Tactics, Reckless Flurry, Off the Books, Stockpile
Gandalf0271 [Poland] Imprisonment, Stockpile, Off the Books, Ursine Ritual
PepeSmile [Poland] Ursine Ritual, Imprisonment, Off the Books, Guerilla Tactics
Danirai [Poland] Off the Books, Ursine Ritual, Imprisonment, Deadeye Ambush
Sif_Great_Wolf [Ukraine] Guerilla Tactics, Imprisonment, Reckless Flurry, Off the Books
kams134 [Poland] Ursine Ritual, Off the Books, Deadeye Ambush, Stockpile
Aethr3n [Poland] Off the Books, Stockpile, Precision Strike, Imprisonment
Bart933 [Poland] Stockpile, Ursine Ritual, Off the Books, Deadeye Ambush
捡破烂的猎魔人 [Australia] Imprisonment, Guerilla Tactics, Off the Books, Ursine Ritual
John丶Sally [China] Guerilla Tactics, Ursine Ritual, Imprisonment, Off the Books
Link to bracket here.
Leader abilities
Off the Books: 15
Ursine Ritual: 10
Stockpile: 8
Imprisonment: 7
Guerilla Tactics: 6
Deadeye Ambush: 5
Double Cross: 4
Reckless Flurry: 3
Precision Strike: 3
Fruits of Ysgith: 1
Jackpot: 1
Pincer Maneuver: 1
Poland: 8
Ukraine: 3
United Kingdom: 1
Japan: 1
Moldova: 1
Australia: 1
China: 1