
TWiG #11 | Summary

This Week in Gwent #11

Link to the whole stream:

Below is only the most important stuff.

Important notes:

  • No new cards will be revealed today. Instead, the cards will be revealed over the weekend during masters.
  • There will be new reward trees coming along with the expansion.
  • CDPR is still looking for ways to bring back old leader skins.
  • There are no plans to bring Gwent to old MacBooks.

Reminded about:

20 of the 26 cards have been revealed so far. Check them out on Gwent website:

Gwent Masters will be taking place this weekend.

Divination challenge is back. Predict the winners of Gwent Masters for a chance to win amazing prizes:

You can post your questions for Paweł Burza in the forum, selected one will be answered in next TWiG:

They are gathering ideas for content that players would like to see in future:

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