Qualifier Top 64 | Season of the Love | Summary

Saturday from 12:00 CET English cast by Spyro_ZA, on Spyro_ZA channel.
Saturday from 12:00 CET Polish cast by Pawloex and Drobniak, on Pawloex channel.
Sunday from 6:30PM CET English cast by Lionhart and Zubedoo, on Lionhart channel.
Sunday from 6:30PM CET Polish cast by Pawloex, on Pawloex channel.
Sunday from 6:30PM CET French cast by ShupeTV, on ShupeTV channel.
Sunday from 6:30PM CET Russian cast by Necrotal, on Necrotal channel.
Day #2
Kaneki_Yamori [France] Enslave, Stockpile, Guerilla Tactics, Onslaught
sea1111.23318 [China] Off the books, Deadeye Ambush, Onslaught, Inspired Zeal
한쿡은조흔나라 [Korea] Stockpile, Deadeye Ambush, Battle Trance, Double Cross
NoGGForAngouleme [Indonesia] Off the books, Stockpile, Deadeye Ambush, Double Cross
ILBESTIO [Italy] Imposter, Battle Trance, Inspired Zeal, Deadeye Ambush
HighRollerko [Poland] Battle Trance, Off the books, Deadeye Ambush, Inspired Zeal
magpie131 [Moldova] Stockpile, Deadeye Ambush, Double Cross, Off the books
PitoHui78 [Moldova] Deadeye Ambush, Stockpile, Battle Trance, Off the books
Clauz86 [Italy] Off the books, Imprisonment, Inspired Zeal, Deadeye Ambush
Xiwer [Poland] Ursine Ritual, Deadeye Ambush, Jackpot, Inspired Zeal
Andi99 [Germany] Ursine Ritual, Inspired Zeal, Jackpot, Deadeye Ambush
SaNvAnTeR [Ukraine] Deadeye Ambush, Double Cross, Off the books, Inspired Zeal
Hequix [Finland] Deadeye Ambush, Off the books, Inspired Zeal, Imprisonment
国服社区赛05 [China] Inspired Zeal, Deadeye Ambush, Battle Trance, Off the books
Mya-Mon369EX [Japan] Double Cross, Deadeye Ambush, Stockpile, Jackpot
lerio2 [Poland] Ursine Ritual, Inspired Zeal, Fruits of Ysgith, Deadeye Ambush
Day #1
A_X_Q [Japan] [NR] Stockpile, [SK] Battle Trance, [MO] Overwhelming Hunger,
Andi99 [Germany] [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SK] Battle Trance, [SY] Jackpot,
Bart933 [Poland] [NR] Inspired Zeal, [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [SK] Battle Trance,
Bear熊くまTW [Taiwan] [SY] Jackpot, [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [NR] Inspired Zeal,
Clauz [Italy] [NG] Imprisonment, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [ST] Deadeye Ambush,
DARKFANTAA [-] [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [NR] Stockpile,
elquellora [Italy] [NG] Double Cross, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [ST] Deadeye Ambush,
enerGiiX [Netherlands] [NG] Double Cross, [SK] Battle Trance, [SY] Off the books,
flav_iio [Canada] [NR] Inspired Zeal, [NG] Tactical Decision, [ST] Deadeye Ambush,
FraNico [Spain] [NG] Tactical Decision, [MO] Carapace, [SY] Off the books,
GaBane [France] [NR] Inspired Zeal, [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [SY] Off the books,
Gandalf0271 [Poland] [SK] Battle Trance, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [ST] Deadeye Ambush,
Hannsu [Japan] [NG] Double Cross, [SY] Jackpot, [NR] Inspired Zeal,
Hequix [Finland] [NR] Inspired Zeal, [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [SY] Off the books,
HighRollerko [Poland] [SK] Battle Trance, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [ST] Deadeye Ambush,
ILBESTIOO [Italy] [NG] Imposter, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [ST] Deadeye Ambush,
JaimeOneHand [Poland] [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SK] Onslaught, [ST] Deadeye Ambush,
Jayce360 [Mexico] [NG] Double Cross, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [ST] Deadeye Ambush,
Kaneki_Yamori [France] [NG] Enslave, [NR] Stockpile, [ST] Guerilla Tactics,
KazuyaJ [Poland] [NG] Double Cross, [NR] Stockpile, [SK] Battle Trance,
killerganon [France] [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [SY] Off the books, [NR] Inspired Zeal,
lerio2 [Poland] [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Off the books, [MO] Fruits of Ysgith,
licy1005 [-] [NG] Double Cross, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SK] Onslaught,
magpie131 [Moldova] [NR] Stockpile, [SK] Battle Trance, [ST] Deadeye Ambush,
Maruth24 [Italy] [NR] Inspired Zeal, [NG] Imprisonment, [ST] Precision Strike,
MetaSlave69 [Estonia] [NR] Stockpile, [ST] Guerilla Tactics, [SK] Battle Trance,
Mistikal [Ukraine] [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [NR] Stockpile,
myamon [Japan] [SY] Jackpot, [NG] Double Cross, [NR] Stockpile,
NoGGforAngouleme [Indonesia] [SY] Off the books, [NR] Stockpile, [ST] Deadeye Ambush,
OKOGLAZ [Ukraine] [NR] Stockpile, [SY] Off the books, [NG] Tactical Decision,
PepeSmile [Poland] [MO] Overwhelming Hunger, [SK] Battle Trance, [NR] Inspired Zeal,
PitoHui78 [Moldova] [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Off the books,
Puzzle_Express [Great Britain] [NR] Pincer Maneuver, [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [SK] Battle Trance,
rogbros [United States of America] [NG] Enslave, [NR] Stockpile, [ST] Guerilla Tactics,
Rosmarinus [-] [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [NG] Imprisonment, [NR] Inspired Zeal,
SaNvAnTeR [Ukraine] [NG] Double Cross, [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [SY] Off the books,
sea111123318 [-] [SK] Onslaught, [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [NR] Inspired Zeal,
Somnasgwent [-] [NR] Stockpile, [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [SY] Off the books,
Spiedi [Finland] [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [NG] Double Cross, [NR] Inspired Zeal,
Spyro_ZA [South Africa] [MO] Overwhelming Hunger, [SK] Battle Trance, [NR] Inspired Zeal,
Xiwer [Poland] [NR] Inspired Zeal, [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [SK] Battle Trance,
한국은좋은나라 [Korea] [MO] Overwhelming Hunger, [NR] Stockpile, [SK] Battle Trance,
한쿡은조흔나라 [Korea] [NR] Stockpile, [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [SK] Battle Trance,
一只大松鼠 [China] [NR] Inspired Zeal, [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [SY] Off the books,
上分 [Australia] [NG] Double Cross, [NR] Inspired Zeal, [SY] Off the books,
西猫羽 [-] [NR] Inspired Zeal, [ST] Deadeye Ambush, [SK] Battle Trance,
Day #2
Link to bracket here.
Day #1
Link to bracket here.
Day #2
Leader abilities
Deadeye Ambush: 15
Inspired Zeal: 10
Off the books: 9
Stockpile: 6
Battle Trance: 5
Double Cross: 5
Ursine Ritual: 3
Jackpot: 3
Onslaught: 2
Imprisonment: 2
Enslave: 1
Guerilla Tactics: 1
Imposter: 1
Fruits of Ysgith: 1
Poland: 3
China: 2
Italy: 2
Moldova: 2
France: 1
Korea: 1
Indonesia: 1
Germany: 1
Ukraine: 1
Finland: 1
Japan: 1
Day #1
Leader abilities
[NR] Inspired Zeal: 28[ST] Deadeye Ambush: 28
[SK] Battle Trance: 16
[NR] Stockpile: 14
[SY] Off the books: 13
[NG] Double Cross: 12
[MO] Overwhelming Hunger: 4
[SY] Jackpot: 4
[NG] Imprisonment: 3
[NG] Tactical Decision: 3
[SK] Onslaught: 3
[ST] Guerilla Tactics: 3
[NG] Enslave: 2
[MO] Carapace: 1
[NG] Imposter: 1
[MO] Fruits of Ysgith: 1
[ST] Precision Strike: 1
[NR] Pincer Maneuver: 1
Poland: 8
Italy: 4
Japan: 3
France: 3
Ukraine: 3
Finland: 2
Moldova: 2
Korea: 2
Germany: 1
Taiwan: 1
Netherlands: 1
Canada: 1
Spain: 1
Mexico: 1
Estonia: 1
Indonesia: 1
Great Britain: 1
United States of America: 1
South Africa: 1
China: 1
Australia: 1
Unknown: 6