This Week in Gwent #7
Link to the whole stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/997882023
Below is only the most important stuff.
Important notes:
- There will be changes made to Northern Realms which will be talked about on Sunday
- There will be no Thronebreaker sequel coming out anytime soon
- CDPR is not working on a method to record games
- The Bridge on the Yaruga board will return in the future
- CDPR is not planning to include cards from other universes (like dinosaurs)
- Each expansion had its own theme music. Studio is interested in adding an option of what music you want played in the background.
- No new languages are planned to be added for now
- No faction specific journeys are planned
- They are working on changing deck sharing/deck importing
Reminded about:
Gwent Open taking place this weekend:
You can post your questions for Paweł Burza in the forum, selected one will be answered in next TWiG:
They are gathering ideas for content that players would like to see in future: